If you are reading this, it means you were curiously searching in the Internet regarding Organix Awapuhi Ginger products....so welcome to my blog and I hope I provide you with the information you need regarding my HG hair products!

A little about me and my hair: Once upon a time before the age of 30, I had beautiful, shiny, dark, Full, and very long straight hair which grew extremely fast...I'm not lying I could cut my hair very short and withing just a few short months my hair was long again!!! I was able to do anything to my hair, straighten it, curl it (even if it didn't hold a curl because it was that soft), bleach it, dye it...etc with no noticeable damage!!! Well as soon as I hit my 30s here came fine lines ( which I can only see if I press me face against the mirror), allergies, aches and pains, mortgage, stress, And I think if you google the Zahara dessert you will find a picture of my face, hopefully not of a close up picture because my once nonexistent pores are so big you probably can see my insides...waaaah...my hair also changed; it is lighter, less full, wavier, and drier...I would call it normal hair instead of extremely healthy like before...waaaah again.

So I stopped experimenting with my hair because I didn't want to damage it...and I had a crazy idea to cut my hair to see if my hair will grow fast and healthy as before...oh I was soooo wrong...two years and my hair is just passed shoulder length...I was so happy to have "long" hair again that I decided I wanted to do something special to my hair to celebrate for the good progress on my hair...My hair didn't grow like before but it was not damaged anymore...anyway...I decided to ombré my hair....which I hated the light color and 3 days later, I bought myself the less damaging of darkest brown hair dye(my natural hair color) that was in the shelf of my local drugstore and of course dyed my hair....after I did the ombré I didn't know how dry (damaged) the bleached hair was until I damaged, I mean, dyed my hair back brown and then washed it for the first time...My former HG shampoo and conditioner Suave Keratin did nothing for my hair...it was a dry tangled mess and my hair never tangled before waaaah...So obviously, I needed a new shampoo and conditioner so there I went with my hair in a bun to my local drugstore AGAIN....Since I don't have time to shop (mother of 3, full time worker, trying to finish school), I went at lunch time (1/2 an hour lunch wtf) See damaged!!!!!!!

ANYWAY, I've done an intense research on shampoos and chemicals that would strip and damage hair (upcoming blog), so I knew what I needed and had to shop fast; plus I needed sulfate free shampoo so it won't strip the dye on my hair...I also needed a good conditioner and a treatment!!! I didn't have to search long..The Organix line was the first I saw on the shelf!!! I am familiar with Organix because I used to use the coconut one way back when I could use any shampoo and I mean ANY without changing or damaging my hair!!!! I only used it for the yummy smell (that was a replacement for my beloved and discontinued Herbal Essences)... I thought Organix would be best...I mean I prefer to use organic and natural products but I can't afford $15 for a bottle of shampoo...plus my boyfriend would have flipped if I came home with an expensive bottle of shampoo...I mean why buy that when I can buy a bottle of suave or vo5 for 1.05 each (according to him)..right? Yeah OK...So I picked up Awapuhi Ginger Shampoo, conditioner, and recovery mask (review coming soon) as they are sulfate free and the bottles promised to do miracles on my hair (I don't buy into marketing promises but I need to try them out, right?)!!! I was undecided on these and the Macadamia and Moroccan Oil line, but Awapuhi Ginger had the whole line and it smelled the best.

So anyway...I ran to my house, into my bathroom, and into my shower...as soon as I poured the shampoo in my hand I fell in love...the shampoo was so thick it looked and felt a little like conditioner!!! PINK in color! and the scent is to die for!!! It smells like something Herbal Essences would have (back when Herbal Essences smelled oh so darn good)..it smells sweet, flowery, fruity, and creamy!!!! As soon as I put it in my hair...it lathered very well despite the fact that is sulfate free (sulfate free shampoos have less lather...upcoming blog)...it distributed in my wet just lovely...and it felt very moisturizing...as soon as I rinsed it out of my hair, I was surprised that my hair did not feel dry as it did every time I washed my hair...I poured the conditioner in my hand and holly shakes it was thick!!! it felt like a hair treatment mask!!! I left it on my hair while I I did my body scrubbing, shaving, singing etc...I rinsed it out of my hair and my hair felt so soft and moisturized, and not at all slimy like other conditioners make my hair feel. Anyway...I let my hair air dry because that way I can really see what products do to my hair...I waited and waited, feeling my hair and ummm taking whiffs of its heavenly smell without looking in the mirror..My hair finally dried completely and I ran to my bathroom bumping into a basket of laundry which my teenage son left in the middle of the hallway...OUCH!!! I limped to the bathroom and glanced in the mirror...I swear I could hear angels singing and playing their heavenly instruments of music...my hair looked beautiful!!! My natural waves were not weighed down and my hair was so shiny, not freezey, so soft, and yummy smelling!!!!!!

I found my HG line and I hope they NEVER EVER DISCONTINUE THIS LINE. I can actually wear my hair natural like I did before I hit my 30s!!!! I love my natural waves now and I hardly ever reach out for my flat iron to touch mischievous and rebel stray hairs!!!!
My hair routine after my 30s was..shampoo, condition, treatment, leave in conditioner, hair balms, serums all over hair, heat protectant, blow dry, flat iron, hairspray...NOW...is shampoo condition or treatment (mask)...leave in conditioner, serum on my ends, air dry, and some serum in some places where needed!!!!! just as it was before my 30s!!!!! With all this said...I highly recommend The Organix Awapuhi Ginger line...try it...it might just be your new HG line of hair products!!!
The products run for about $8.50 ea but you can deffie find them cheaper (even though 8.50 is pretty good for a HG product); I have found the line on sale at Walgreens for buy one get one free!!! yey!!!!!

This blog is not sponsored as I'm not cool enough lol.
.... Review of mask coming soon.